
We recommend you print this page to avoid any potential problems finding us. The Chinese directions and map are very useful for showing a taxi driver or asking a Local for directions.

From Kunming

Buses to XiaGuan (Dali New City) leave from the Kunming West Bus Station. There are no official buses that will take you directly from Kunming to Dali Old Town (they all finish in XiaGuan). There are at least two bus stations you may arrive at in XiaGuan based on the bus service taken from Kunming West Bus Station. The easiest way to get to Dali Old Town is to follow the instructions below "From XiaGuan (Dali New City) Bus Station".
If you catch a train from Kunming to Dali, just follow the instructions "From XiaGuan Train Station" or catch a taxi (60 RMB).

As of July 2018, the fast train service between Dali and Kunming has been introduced. Travel times have dropped from 7 hours to 2.5 hours each way. If you plan on coming to Dali overnight, the 7 hour sleeper train is still available. Advance bookings can be made on

From Xiaguan (Dali New City) Bus Station:

Expect to pay 60 RMB for a taxi to the Jade Emu International Guest House. The taxi driver will not normally use a meter to get to Dali Old Town. This is the standard rate for locals as well.
Alternatively, for those on a tight budget... Catch a taxi to the XiaGuan train station (8-10 RMB) and follow the instructions below for getting here from XiaGuan train station.

From Xiaguan Train Station:

Catch the blue electric bus outside the train station. It has no number or English on the sign but includes the Chinese characters 三塔 (san1ta3) and 转 (zhuan4) . It departs every 20 minutes. The fare is 2 RMB. Get off at the "Red Dragon Well Gate" (called 红龙井城门 or Hong2Long2Jing3Cheng2Men2). Red Dragon Well Gate is an archway in the grey stone Dali Old Town West Wall (approximately 45 minutes on the bus). From this archway, cross the highway and walk 60m along the highway in the same direction as the bus. Turn left at the two-tier car park (see picture below) on the highway. Walk a further 100m uphill. You will then see the Jade Emu...

From Dali Airport

A Taxi from the airport should cost ~110 RMB to the Jade Emu International Guest House. The drivers won't use a meter.

From LiJiang

Most buses from LiJiang will currently drop passengers off near the East Gate of Dali Old Town and require a taxi (~15 RMB) or a 20 minute walk to get here. Be sure to tell the bus driver you want to get off at Dali Old Town or otherwise you might find yourself in XiaGuan (Dali New City).

GPS co-ordinates: Latitude: 25.69264, Longitude: 100.15614
N.B Because of the China GPS shift problem do not use with Google Maps unless you use "satellite view". On default street view Google Maps is out by 450m. If you need to use google maps on "street view" use the GPS co-ordinates Lat:25.689519, Long:100.157208 instead.

Chinese Directions...

大理古城西门村十组 (红龙井城门斜对面西北50米 ,‘77客栈后面’)

Chinese Postal Details...

金玉缘中澳国际青年旅舍, 中国云南省大理古城西门村十组, 671003

电话: 13887232726 (宋萍)

Still need assistance finding us?

Give us a call on (0872)2677311, 13887232726 or 18687285211 🙂

Dali Old Town

Dali Area Map